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May 16, 2007
Posts: 1

PostPosted:     Post subject: Housing/home
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Here is a pitfall I am sorta dealing with.

Being a single guy and having nobody else to take care of, I am looking to buy a house for the time I am home. I have even considered a condo, but most will not allow a semi to be parked there w/o a trailer mind you.
Then I came up with the idea: If I had a LOT of money to build a condo for truckers, with parking for the rigs and trailer and then the normal condo but have it geared for truckers.
I posted this Q to some group of people using some other trucker chat room and they said things like "if ya aint driving your not making money" I thought to myself.. I DO have a life besides driving.
What are some of the setup arrangements you all have for when you are home.

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April 27, 2005
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rv set up in nice rv park lot rent is cheap and includes everything. Wanna move lol no problem just roll

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April 22, 2007
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PostPosted:     Post subject: Where to live/park
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Answer is simple...Rural Axreage, outside city limits, and no deed restrictions.

I have 66 acres here in arkansas...Have considered taking 10 acres of it for truck parking and sub-dividing the rest for homesites.

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April 17, 2007
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`My trucx is parked about 15 miles from home and I kind of like it that way. It's close enough that I don't have much of a drive to get on the road but far enough away that I'm not tempted to do anything with the truck on my off days. I don't like to think about the truck on my off days and definately don't wish to look out my livingroom window and see a replica of a flying j parking lot so a truckers' condo wouldn't be for me

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January 9, 2008
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`a condo for truckers. it is hard to park your truck and take time off. i dont go home that much its just a pain nowhere by the house to park.

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February 21, 2008
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`a trucker condo?? You must not be spending much time on the road. I love it when I am home and I can't see my truck. All you think about is getting back into it and you need to be away sometimes. I love hearing other people ideas. Keep it up and speed safely!!!

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Posted:     Post subject:

Up here in the Vancouver area, tractors have been banned from being taken home and parked in driveways because of the moronic turban-heads that have infested our industry up here in Canada. Too many kids were being run over in neighbourhoods. Damn, it used to be nice being able to just back it in and walk in the door. Saved having to pay for car insurance to just go out to the supermarket too.

But anyways, what I'm planning on doing is buying the world's biggest 5th wheel one day and doing a working retirement. It's easy to pick up loads using the online brokerages. So I plan on being a bit of a gypsy in my old age. Pull the 5th to wherever I want to live for a while, then pick up maybe 1 run a month for expenses and pocket change. Get tired of living on the gulf coast? Miss snow capped mountains and big horned sheep? Then just drag the home to a new location and stay for a while. There's always an option to pick up a steady dedicated run for a while in whatever location too. Options galore, and it'll be a great way to make money and relax too.



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Posted:     Post subject:

`ok i will give you my thoughts on this. i dont care if i live in a home an rv a trailer an apartment or condo, $400/month utilities included, i park the truck and trainer in front of the house and i prefer a rual setting

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Posted:     Post subject:

`Hmmm... Condos for Truckers... I know just the place ! There's this penitentiary that has been sitting unused for about a decade. I'm sure we could "steal" it (pun intended). Heck, we Truckers are accustomed to living in small spaces- and there would be PLENTY of room to park our rigs in our new "gated community". LOL!

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April 9, 2011
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`I pay $650 for an apartment and am home 4 days a month. Why? I have worked with a home and without one. I prefer someplace to perch even for a few days.

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`OMG ....Chub that was to funny...

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`Lol @ Chub

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February 4, 2012
Posts: 30

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`it is best to own your on land !

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