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About men...

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former member default image - bird flying away

Posted:     Post subject: About men...

They say women can't make up their minds...However, I think Men have the same issues. I wasn't going to blog about this, but the more I thought about it, the more I wanted to address my thoughts and opinions...

But scam them into words, where it doesnt offend anyone will be the hardest part..... So, just bare with me as I attempt to find the right wording to keep this blog intact...

Men need to realize that most women need to be loved, respected and need to feel they are wanted, other then just for a s----l relationship. Some women, don't care. Some women are worse then men, when it comes to that. I'm not here to point fingers, just try to get a point across.

When a man stumbles across a woman that wants the "guests, the cake, the car, the ring, and the whole she-bang", don't rip out her heart and drag it from her body, just to stomp all over it, and run away.... And don't say sweet things in her ear, just to get her into bed, and then dont talk to her for weeks on end. If you aren't they marrying type then say so, and just be her friend.. Not friends with fringe benefits.. C'mon men, you can get those anywhere.. Empty relationships with Empty minded people. Be her friend, take her places, learn to like her, learn more about her hobbies, her career, take her into your realm of things; whether it be football, nascar, hockey, or even traveling. Just cause we are probably drivers (male & female), doesn't mean that we don't like to travel on vacation. Go to places that you can't get a big truck in... Enjoy each others' company.. Enjoy each others' children... BOND........ PROTECT....... LOVE..... CHERISH..... and RESPECT... This holds true for the men too ladies.... Men are scared of rejection, just as much as we are. (you look across the room, your eyes lock, you smile, he smiles, you blush, he smiles, you look away, and sometimes that's as far as you get!!. WHY???? ... Cause of the rejection.... Nobody, wants to walk up to another person, and get shot down before they even get out of the gate... If everyone would stop using the phrase, "ohh she gets better looking w/every beer"... eventually that will catch up with you...Not to mention, c'mon guys we know that 80% of you want "eye candy" standing beside you in the fuel island, at walmart, sitting next to you going down the road, etc., no matter where it be... You see eye candy next to some guy and you say, dang he's one lucky....._____; I want one too, where do I sign up... And that's just it... in time, most of them will leave you for another guy... I didn't say all, but most will or they will cheat on you; leaving you with a bad feeling about how long that has been going on.... C'mon guys.... it's not about the OUTSIDE APPEARANCE, it's what's in her HEART...... I've seen some guys (drivers or not), talk about how they want a size 4.. and their gut is not only hanging out of their pants, but over the waistline.... Most girls, size 4, is going for the muscular, goatee looking man... the bad boy type. (let me know if you know one!.. LOL)... I'm not saying that I don't look at the outside appearance, but it has to be a complete package for me... I'm not a size 4, and ya know what, nor do I want to be.

How does this blog effect me?... I too, would be nice to have the guests, the cake, the car, the ring.. and nice looking, tall man, that I will be looking into his eyes every day for the rest of his life; enjoying each others' hobbies, company, etc. He's out there somewhere, just waiting for me... Won't be today, probably not tomorrow.. but someday, I'll find him, even if it means, we are running around in our motorized wheelchairs, cause we can no longer run from each other, but at least I would have him for life.... He would love me for me and I would love him for him....

So, c'mon guys... give these girls another shot at at least your friendship, make time for them, give them a call and tell them that you missed them, tell them you want to get to know them... Ladies, you can do this too... Call up an old friend (a driver friend, or whomever), and stop and say hi to them.. I bet it would make their day, ESPECIALLY, if you two haven't chatted in awhile!...

Just like in the Nickelbach song, IF EVERYONE CARED.....

Good luck! :lol:

ConcreteAngel aka CA
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former member default image - bird flying away

Posted:     Post subject: More About Men

No offense taken. What you say is true, not only for men but women too. However It is hard to define "eye candy". What one man finds attractive, doesn't nessasarily mean another does. I have seen many women "size 4" that are very attractive, until you get to know them. I have also seen many "larger" women that are very attractive as well. The thing I have found though is the most attractive women I have know only became that attractive after I got to know them, and they got better looking more I got to know them. Perhaps that would be known as an "intoxicating personality" The point is, beauty is truly in the eyes of the beholder. I totally understand what you are saying and agree, but I felt this needed to be pointed out as well


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former member default image - bird flying away

Posted:     Post subject:

If I were a size 4 I would probably fall flat on my face! LOL But I know what you mean. It hurts when people just tell you what you want to hear, and you find out later it was never true.

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February 4, 2012
Posts: 30

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Reply with quote
`I agree with all you said ! I need to lose few pounds and have met people who have judged me for it but that ok because it really them who lose out for not getting to know me ! If I change who I am on outside then I will do it for me and my health ! My moto if you like me now stick around cause as you get know me it only gets better ! everyone can lose wt and gain wt so that perfect 4 size might not always be same either ! I do agree want look best for the one you love and together they could help achieve that !

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