Joined: August 25, 2009
Posts: 6
Posted: Post subject: being a trucker |
Should I title this as "ANOTHER EXPERIMENT IN LIFE" or should I just state what I came here for? For starters, when I started driving, I was told that tolerance and patience are the two keys to understanding "COMMON SENSE THINKING". as a driver, my opinion of course, anyone can drive a truck. it take a special attitude, mental stability and a bit of uh oh to handle a truck and trailer. There is no luck on this job, there are moments even I admit I felt luck was on my side. turns out it was COMMON SENSE. there's that phrase again, not having a process of thought to what is going on around you, can and will get you killed or someone else killed at any given second out here. I haven't had the pleasure of making that life long connection with a real trucking friend, but there are 3 men in this industry that I have learned from and I consider them my life long connections. one is that south florida man,,i will not name here, but he taught me how to HANDLE a truck and trailer. through all sorts of weather, all sorts of road conditions and more importantly he shaped my personality and the way I handle the equipment in my care. another is no longer driving, but soon I will see him, and for every screaming eagle out there. I owe him my hat, heart and thank you. for being that,,,,and this isn't no that pulled my britches down, like a 5yrs old and belted my public in front of hundreds of drivers for mouthing off to him in public. his words were, if I have to tolerate you, you have to tolerate me!! being on the female side of this industry, I had more to learn and the quicker I learned the better and more patient I became. so what if you are a huge burly man, or the smallest of females. the worse your attitude and the nastier your personality, the worse you will be disrespected out here and left alone on the side of the road without a pot to pppp in. since 1992 I have personally witnessed the repeating of worse and worse signs of lack of common sense and common courtesy towards each other on the road,in the pisser, in the truck stops, especially in the parking lots!!! slow it down before you become best buds or buddettes to that new inconsiderate officer you have to explain things to.