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quit under dispatch

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September 13, 2006
Posts: 4

PostPosted:     Post subject: quit under dispatch
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Would you hire someone who was listed as "quit under dispatch?"

They had 10 mos experience otr and five year misdemeaner assult charge
and two minor incidents in same month due two lack of home-time. No tickets good dmv and was off truck 18 mos?

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Posted:     Post subject:

`No Way!! It seems they need anger management. So, the road is NO PLACE FOR THAT. TOO MUCH AT RISK!!

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Posted:     Post subject:

`maybe. its called an interview for a reason before i started my own buisness i had 6 tickets and 2 accidents in a 2 year period just a run of bad luck
it depends upon the person

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Posted:     Post subject:

`It depends on the reputation of the company that put "quit under dispatch" on the applicant's dac report... There are companies (CRST, JB, to name a couple) that will stretch the truth as much as they can to hurt a drivers chance of getting any other driving jobs if that driver wasn't of of their favorites. How do I know this? Years ago I worked for CRST... Not a star employee but certainly not the worst. I just did my job, nothing more, nothing less. I had to leave the company abruptly for a family emergency and let them know that I would not be returning. I was told to take the truck to the Carlisle PA terminal and everything would be good from there. I did so and even took the truck and trailer through a truck wash, at my own expense, before dropping the truck off. After a year past and all was better I wanted to go back on the road... Tried a few companies and they all said that there was this black mark from CRST on my DAC report... Needless to say, I went ballistic. Well to make a long story less boring. I had to end up suing CRST to remove the record, which also took a subpoena of their qualcomm records to show where my driver manager specifically told me to take the truck to Carlisle, not Cedar Rapids. I guess what I am trying to say is.... You need to have good interview skills. If this person is the right one for the job you will quickly learn it through talking to them. If you're not that great of a judge of character, maybe have a friend or someone else you trust sit in or do the interview. The DAC/references don't always tell the entire story. The major problem is that people that have bad DACs for the wrong reasons many times don't have much recourse because they don't know how to go about dealing with those types of situations. Another lesson here, I guess, is to ALWAYS communicate with your qualcomm and not by phone... That way if a question is to arise there is always a record somewhere.

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Posted:     Post subject:

`REALITY CHECK!!! this is trucking! every now and then you might get lucky and land a gig where you are home every other week, but here is the reality of trucking.
i hit the road on may 12th i got home july 5th THAT'S NORMAL!!! if you are having problems on the road due to a lack of home time..... THEN TRUCKING IS NOT FOR YOU!
there are only a few ways that you should EVER quit under dispatch.

1 you quit and as you are cleaning out your truck they send new load info. (old trick)
2 you take the load to the yard and find another driver to take the load. (personally)
3 your truck broke down under dispatch and was in the shop and you quit before a replacement could be found (also common, that's why carriers will usually get you a hotel room when the truck is in the shop.)
4 you have a medical emergency that means you couldn't continue, and when you were discharged from the hospital you decide that you want no part of trucking. (happens all the time)
5 you die (like you are gonna care about the load at that point!)

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