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free advice

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former member default image - bird flying away

Posted:     Post subject: free advice

and some say my advice is worth what you pay for it
go find someone who is at least 30 has a divorce or 2 behind them a truck or 2 of their own and lots of will to teach that really wants to help ask them questions pay them 2 or 3hundred bucks to just ride around with them for a month and learn and take 4 or 5 big yellow pads and fill them with notes find someone that can explain why we have hours of scervice loge FMCSR"s and get them talking and they may not shut up these are the guys that sit alone at the restraunt park in the middle of nowhere and do stuff that makes you go huh? there is a method to their madness and if you can just get them talking you can learn alot
their is no substitute for asphalt under your butt
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former member default image - bird flying away

Posted:     Post subject: REPLY

thats good advice an old man tried to tell me those things once i wish i would have listined

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December 17, 2009
Posts: 12

PostPosted:     Post subject:
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`why we have hours of scervice loge FMCSR"s=======I find this statement interesting as an old timer. Because when us old timers started. Log book? DOT Inspectors? etc were mostly non-existent. It actually tells someone, how long they have been on the road.

Most of the old timers are still wondering why and have little respect for them rules. Mainly because they came after deregulation which brought on new regulation that created the advent of explosion of truck driving schools. Just another government failure attempt to manipulate the industry. Under the name of safety this time. In reality, a method for politicians to collect revenue for their next campaign as industry leaders look for an edge over competition.

The reason is that in all our old timer strange ways. We see responsibility as the key to safety. There is a time one can put the pedal to the metal. Time to drive and sometimes going to sleep again an hour from our last nap. Safety is an individual thing. The driver must know himself. There are drivers who can see trouble a mile away and others who do not. Both can and should drive according to their limitations and why some drivers can drive what may be aggressive to another. An old timer will pick up on ones limitations quickly and put emphasis on them. Or at least I like to think so.

It has far more to do with attitude of responsibility then rules and regulation. So if you find one of them who wants to explain, "Why we have the rules"

Most likely they are green behind the ears yet.

Do not mean to disrupt your train of thought which is basically solid advice. But beware of those trainers who got there job via rubber stamped. As advice with a bias and not from hard knocks of experience and time which gives total perspective of truth.

There is an old adage that says, "When one can not do, they teach". This is seen in most driving schools and for those who needed help in making their truck payments. Just another government regulation that pretends to cure an ill. The statistics have not changed much.

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former member default image - bird flying away

Posted:     Post subject:

`Yep I agree, took them 20 years to come up with a log book, took us 20 minutes to figure a way around it.


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