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Would it be wrong?

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August 22, 2011
Posts: 13

PostPosted:     Post subject: Would it be wrong?
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I've been alone for a long time now, I mean I have friends and an incredible family but it's been a long time, way too long since I held someones hand or felt a soft kiss, or shared laughs and enjoyed a fun evening with a guy.

It's been really difficult to even consider letting someone in my life because of my cancer and with the treatments not working anymore there's not much reason to continue doing them. So I am just trying to live my life to the fullest and be as happy every day I can and so far my pain meds keep me capable of doing that... but I don't want to be alone when that day comes. So, here I am on this site thinking I may meet someone that might be willing to get to know me and be there for me. But I'm torn on that as well because is it fair to let someone in just to watch me die?

I'm not looking for sympathy by any means, I'm really a happy person, I feel blessed to be here each day, I smile and laugh as much as I can.

I was telling my sister yesterday, and she didn't think it was wrong, but I even thought, if someone took that time to be in my life and be there for me through this that they could even get life insurance on me and benefit from it at the end... but wow, that's so not me, almost like I'm pleading for company, and love, and offering a payoff. But at the same time is it really that wrong? Anyway, that's my story, today anyway... I do hope to meet someone special, but I'm not going to hold my breath lol But I always say one can never have too many friends. [/b]

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`Last night i had a emergency appendectomy, they removed my appendix before it ruptured one of the things i thought about was how i was going thru this all alone yeah i had nurses and they were very nice but they also asked if my family was going to be there soon, as i explained i am a truck driver and my family lived to far away i could tell they did not know what to say exactly, unlike your treatments Heidi my surgery fixed my condition but really the feelings are the same and i see nothing wrong with finding that right person to be with in the good and bad times of life.

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August 22, 2011
Posts: 13

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Last edited by heidintx66 on Thu Sep 08, 2011 1:09 am; edited 1 time in total
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`Be carefull on here is all I can say. Not everyone is for real and even when there for real still no guarantee's. This is internet dating/meeting. You are best to meet someone first get to know them and then lay ya heart on the line if they really respond to your feelings.

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