Joined: June 23, 2007
Posts: 1
Posted: Post subject: New to site |
Hi everyone. My name is Nick, I live in Wisconsin and work for Swift Trans. It's alright, I just wish I could find something a little more fun. it was fun the first year or so then it started to become same ol' crap. I think if I had someone to ride with me it would be more fun. I see alot of interesting thing out here and it would be nice to have someone to share it with. Been with Swift for almost 2 years now. I was even a Driver Trainer for a couple of months but it didn't work out. I need about 10 hours of sleep a night at it just wasn't happening while trying to train a new driver. I am very confident in my skills as a driver. If I wasn't I wouldn't of tried to become a trainer. I learned alot about myself during that time though. I always though I had good patience, but when a student just don't listen you just can't help but say it a little louder and eventually just yell at him for every little thing. I get very cranky when I don't have enough sleep, i almost become an entirely different person. Usually I am easy going and carefree, untill I have lost sleep. I am thinking about switching companies sometime after my 2yr anniversery date. then at least I will get my vacation pay and time. I was looking at PTL and TRL they both have autoshift trucks. Trl also offers idleaire. I am stuck at .35 cents/mi and I want more. I will call the recruiters of those 2 companies soon I think and start weighing my options. Any ideas out there? Any suggestions for good companies. I am 22, 23 in july.Some of the companies I Likes required me to be 25. oh well.