I worked in dispatch for many years as well as ran my own truck stop once upon a time, so I understand their work & long times away from home & the impact it makes on having a good strong relationship with someone they love & the commitment required to make it last.
Although I am not currently working due to some illness issues and on LTD, I have a lot of time on my hands now & welcome speaking with others & giving them company while on the road & hopefully many laughs as well. Besides, I like to razz you guys!! LOL
I am single but not interested in 'h--k ups' or one night stands, nor speaking with anyone attached as I find this would just lead to issues in their own relationships & I respect people too much for that to happen. If I were to have a mutual attraction to the personality & likes of a driver, I would definitely consider a long term commitment.
So if you are out there, feel free to message me. May take me a bit to utilize all this site has to offer as I just signed up, but I am a pretty smart cookie at the best of times so I will get back to you.